
We’re backing Clean Air Day & offering FREE energy saving filter surveys

We’re backing national Clean Air Day this week (June 15, 2023).

We’re lending our support by raising awareness of the impact of poor air quality and are offering companies a free energy-saving filter survey to help them protect their staff and customers.

Tackle air pollution

Our MD, Colin Hitch explains: “Run by Global Action Plan, Clean Air Day is the UK’s largest campaign highlighting the need to tackle air pollution. This annual event offers a chance for us all to find out more about air pollution, share information, and make air cleaner and healthier for everyone. 

Environmental health risk

“Our work covers the improvement of internal air quality but we’re naturally very keen to see improvements in overall air quality and a reduction in pollution. The Clean Air Day website states how air pollution causes?up to?36,000?deaths in the UK each year. It’s the largest environmental health risk we face today and is recognised as such by the World Health Organisation and the Government.

Physical health

“Clean air benefits our physical health including protecting our brains and also benefits our mental wellbeing. For decades researchers have known asthma, heart disease and cancers and their connection to air pollution. However, recent research in London has also revealed how it can affect the brain and the mind too.

Mental health 

“It’s been shown that those who breathe polluted air are more likely to develop mental health and brain conditions. Being exposed to air pollution is linked to depression, anxiety and dementia. When a person breathes polluted air, small particles can enter through their lungs, go into their bloodstream and reach the brain. 

“While our work involves internal air quality, there are huge links with Clean Air Day and what we do, and our mantra is: Clean Air Matters. Also, we’re a family run business and a large employer in this area, and at our other site in Waterlooville in Hampshire, as well as in Europe. We care about the planet, we care about our children and grandchildren, and we care about each other.”

Good indoor air hygiene

As well as cleaning up the air outside, it’s also vital to protect our health by ensuring the air within buildings is as clean as possible too.
Retailers, employers with office-based teams, those in hospitality and catering, anyone who has personnel working together inside, or welcomes customers into their building, all need to maintain good indoor air hygiene.

Impact on health & wellbeing

Research has shown that poor quality air, in mechanically ventilated buildings, can negatively impact on health and wellbeing too. It can potentially cause tiredness, lethargy, headaches and skin and eye irritations.

This can lead to increased sick days and poor staff productivity, which is not good for employees or employers. It’s very important to have effective, energy efficient air filters and filtration systems in place in all internal environments, and this is where we come in.

Get your free energy saving filter survey

We’re offering firms who use air filters a free energy saving filter survey to find out how they can save energy, which is good for the planet as well as their finances, while also ensuring they’re fully compliant legally with regards internal air quality requirements.

And that their teams and customers or patients are kept safe from air pollution and other potentially harmful, airborne particles. If you’d like a free filter survey, please get in touch to find out more.


Pupils cook up lessons for life with our donation

Pupils at Puriton Primary School have been learning all about healthy eating and making meals on a budget with the help of a £50 ASDA food voucher donated by us.

Recipes for success

The youngsters used the money to help with their DT lessons, which this term have the topic title of ‘Come Dine with Me’.

The children explored recipes and planned and made a two-course meal for four people. 

They worked in groups and each group was given a budget of £6.25 to buy their ingredients.

The starter was a non-cook dish that involved cutting up vegetables, while the main course was a pasta dish with a sauce. 

Tight budget

With such a tight budget, the children had to think carefully about their ingredients.  

During the two days, they prepared, cooked and then ate their meals.  

Many of them were adventurous and tried foods that they hadn’t eaten before and didn't anticipate liking! 

Skills for life

Cooking helps children gain invaluable physical, educational and life skills including fine motor and hand eye coordination, thinking about healthy eating, language development, maths and budgeting. It also has a scientific aspect too.

We’ve unveiled our NEW efficiency-boosting air filter

We’ve unveiled our NEW efficiency-boosting air filter
We’ve recently unveiled a new cutting-edge efficiency-boosting product range designed to save businesses with air filtration systems energy and money (May 2023).
Our new flexible, versatile Superpleat XC Panel Filters are made in Britain at our Bridgwater site and are suitable for damp, wet conditions where a regular disposable panel filter is used already.
SuperpleatXC Panel Filters
Jason Day, our LEV Division Manager, explains: “Our new Superpleat XC Panel Filters help increase efficiency, reduce energy consumption and offer greater performance levels.
“They’ve been designed by our specialist, inhouse R&D department here in Somerset where we’ve bespoke labs and we’re the only UK-based air filter manufacturer that has an ISO16890 test facility. We’re very proud of what our team of highly skilled clean air solution experts have achieved and are delighted to offer this product now to our customers.
Maintain good air hygiene
“These new filters are extremely resilient, making them easier to transport and virtually eliminating damage when shipping them out across the UK, Europe and worldwide.
“Retailers, employers with office-based teams, those in hospitality and catering, anyone who has personnel working together inside, or welcomes customers into their building, all need air filters and filtration systems to maintain good air hygiene.
Boost health & wellbeing
“Research has shown that poor quality air, in mechanically ventilated buildings, can negatively impact on health and wellbeing. It can potentially cause tiredness, lethargy, headaches and skin and eye irritations. This can lead to increased sick days and poor staff productivity, which is not good for employees or employers.
“Plus, firms are legally responsible for maintaining healthy, safe working environments for workers and customers.
Improve indoor air quality
“Our Superpleat XC Panel Filters can help prevent all sorts of pollutants from entering a building and will deliver improved indoor air quality. They’re ideal, not just for commercial/ industrial use, but for residential settings where having clean air is a necessity too.”
Our new panel filters are constructed using a thermally bonded synthetic non-woven media, which is formed into pleats to create an extended filter area for air to flow over.
Stability & strength
The Superpleat XC Panel Filters self-supported pleats are sealed into a robust spunbond frame using hotmelt, which ensures a 100% seal at the filter edge. In addition, a hotmelt pleat fix is placed to ensure filter stability and further add to the filter’s strength.
Jason adds: “Our new filters are safe and are Fire Rated F1 DIN53438. They’re strong and durable too. They’ve a low pressure drop, are high dust holding, moisture-proof and better for the environment.
Waste to Energy
“This filter is classified as suitable for Waste to Energy (WtE) and, providing it’s disposed of in this way, zero goes to landfill. Having a lower pressure drop means a reduction in energy consumption and operating costs, which is great during current rising prices and better for the planet too.
“These filters are perfect for site situations where rough handling may occur, where pleated filters are already being used and high performance is required. They can run at high airflows and are not prone to collapsing or bursting.”
How to buy
Our new Superpleat XC Panel Filters can be purchased direct from our online one-stop-shop.
