
car exhaust

How outdoor pollution impacts on IAQ

Although we all spend around 90% of our time indoors – working, resting and playing – we’re not immune from the contaminates that are swirling around outdoors.

In fact, outdoor air pollution plays a significant role in indoor air quality (IAQ).

Air exchange

Every time you open a window, door or ventilation slot, there’s continuous air exchange between the outdoors and the building you’re in.

Many studies have proven that particulate matter (PM) impacts on us and our health and wellbeing more than any other form of pollutant.


Indoor air exposure to fine PM originates mostly from outdoor air, especially in urban areas where the traffic can be heavy. This is the most likely source of contamination.

Heating & eating

The second most important source of exposure comes from the indoor combustion of solid fuels, where present, for cooking and heating.


The outdoor fine PM originates mostly from combustion sources, nearby and distant, in particular where the levels exceed rural backgrounds.

What is often not acknowledged is that in strongly polluted areas, e.g. heavy industry zones, city centres with heavy traffic, without air filtration, more than 90% of ambient PM levels monitored outdoors, occur indoors too.

Reduce PM exposure

Applying correctly selected, efficient air filters in ventilation systems can significantly reduce the impact of PM exposure and the burden of disease (hyperlink to March’s BoD blog) (BoD), which is a measure of life expectancy and the quality of life you can expect.

Get our expert help

Call us for a FREE, friendly chat about your system, or to find out more about us, on 01278 452277, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., no strings attached. We can help you ensure you have an efficient air filtration system that not only helps boost good IAQ but also is energy efficient and saves you money too.

You can also purchase our energy rated products online via our e-store (link to – when putting on this website change this wording to suit).

The facts and information for this article were supplied by and with thanks to Eurovent AISBL / IVZW / INPA (2022). Eurovent 4/23 - 2022 - Selection of EN ISO 16890 rated air filter classes - Fourth edition. Brussels: Eurovent ©. – this is the citation Eurovent suggest when using info from their documents JFYR.


Top seven impacts on IAQ

Top seven impacts on IAQ

Ever wondered what impacts on indoor air quality (IAQ) the most?

There are seven major sources of poor ambient air.

These are the ones that affect the burden of diseases (BoD) the most.

Not sure what BoD is? Check out our previous blog on this here.

The seven sources of bad ambient air are:

• Ambient air quality
• Heating and combustion equipment/appliances
• Water systems, leaks, condensation
• Building site (radon from soil)
• Furnishings, decoration materials and electrical appliances
• Cleaning and other household products
• Building materials

Poor IAQ from the above can potentially impact on the health of you, your staff or any customers who come into your building.

Get our help

To find out if your air filters are working well, book in for a FREE Energy Air Filter Audit from us. Contact our Service Division. There’s no obligation to buy from us.

Need air filters?

You can a purchase our products online in a few easy clicks via our e-store.

The facts and information for this article were supplied by and with thanks to Eurovent AISBL / IVZW / INPA (2022). Eurovent 4/23 - 2022 - Selection of EN ISO 16890 rated air filter classes - Fourth edition. Brussels: Eurovent ©.

We’re offering free air filter energy audits to help firms reach net zero

As a British manufacturer of air filters, we’re offering businesses the chance to hit their net zero targets by reducing energy costs with a free air filter energy saving audit.

Firms in indoor retail, heavy industry, catering or hospitality, healthcare, education and public buildings need proper air filtration to help maintain healthy working and leisure environments.

Inside 90% of the time

Colin Hitch, our Managing Director, explains: “Every indoor space where people gather for work or pleasure should be properly ventilated. If you stop to think about your average day, unless you have a job in the great outdoors like a conservationist, gardener or farmer, then you’re inside pretty much 90% of the time.

“It’s not just our working lives that are spent in buildings, our leisure time is too. By day we might be in offices, warehouses, manufacturing plants, schools, cafés and retail environments and in the evenings, restaurants, theatres, sports complexes, shopping centres and cinemas. The list is endless.

Save energy & money

“However, we appreciate that there is a financial cost to companies when it comes to providing good quality indoor air to keep their staff and customers healthy and well.

“That’s why we’re offering anyone with an air filtration system a free air filter energy audit to see how they can save energy and money without compromising air quality and safety.

Planet & people pledge

“There’s no obligation to buy from us, it’s part of our ongoing planet and people pledge to help keep everyone healthy through the provision of breathable safe indoor air and to conserve and save the earth’s resources at the same time.

“By using low energy filters, you can reduce your energy use substantially. We offer our regular clients free filtration energy audits on and ongoing basis but are happy to extend this to anyone who is keen to find out more. The right filter will actually pay for itself over a fairly short period of time too.

Reaching net zero

“We’re happy to chat to any commercial air filter users, whether they are our customers or not, to give them free help and advice on how they can move towards reaching net zero through reductions in energy use. Also, as part of our planet and people pledge, we promote recycling air filters, where possible, and can advise on what products to use that can be recycled.

“For example, we’ve recently created a new panel filter, which is classified as suitable for Waste to Energy (WtE) and, providing it’s disposed of like this, zero goes to landfill.

“Our SuperpleatXC Panel Filter is unusual in that the entire filter in this case can go to WtE. Parts of other air filters are recyclable – metal frames for example, but it takes a bit of work.

Reduce & recycle

“These filters also help increase efficiency, reduce energy consumption and offer greater performance levels, which is another big plus point when it comes to reaching net zero.

“We can recycle the metal frames from other bag and panel filters, as part of the services we provide. We can either collect used filters and recycle the metal, or the customer can send them back to us for the service to be carried out.”

Buy from us

Like to buy an air filter direct from us, please visit our e-store.

